On October 11, 2022, two of our employees received a special award from the Dresden Chamber of Industry and Commerce as the best vocational qualification in Saxony 2022:
- Mr. Pierre Göhler, after 2 years of training as an insulation specialist
- Mr. Luis Csende, after 3 years of training as an industrial insulator
The ceremony and award ceremony for our young skilled workers was held in the Rudolf Harbig Stadium.
In addition to honoring the best graduates, we as a company also received the “excellent training company” signet and the vocational schools involved received certificates for this outstanding achievement.
A big thank you also goes to our dedicated apprentice trainer Mr. Maik Steinmetz.
It was a great and successful day and we wish our instructors and employees continued success and enjoyment in their work as industrial insulators/insulation specialists.
Apply now and be inspired by the opportunities TLC offers you, we look forward to welcoming new apprentices.
Your TL Concept GmbH team